18 September 2016

Thank You to the Paralympics

    As some of you may know, I LOVE the Paralympics! (This point can been reiterated by my Twitter* feed!)

Paralympic Rings

     Just over 5 weeks ago the Olympic Games in Rio came to an end and while many people were sad that it was over, for myself and many others, there was a lot more to come! I have always gotten excited in the weeks prior to the Paralympics. In the UK there was great build up to the games with advertisements and programs based on the amazing talent surrounding the sports. After that, 10 full days of action packed sport with the best athletes in the world. I've watched every bit of television coverage going, even into the early hours! Being able to watch these world class athletes take control of their bodies and minds (from either an accident or what mother nature has given them) and performing at such an outstanding level to a point where disability isn't the main focus is everything that makes the Paralympics truly incredible! There's also a lot of sport to watch because of the different classifications in all the sports. (That also means there are more medals to be won!) Plus there are sports in the Paralympics that aren't in the Olympics such as Wheelchair tennis/rugby/basketball, boccia and goalball which are extremely enthralling to watch. All of this is what makes the Paralympics outstanding!

    I come from a world where I have been around disabilities my whole life. Both mental and physical. When watching the Paralympics I can see so many people I grew up with within the demeanor, attitudes and disabilities of the athletes. I hope these people I know watch the Paralympics and are inspired to achieve what ever they want in life, whether that is sport or different ventures. One of the great things about the Paralympics is how it inspires. London 2012's motto was "Inspire a Generation." and this can be seen in these Rio games with both first time competitors and returning athletes.
    Another aspect of the Paralympics I love is how disability is talked about. It's not brushed under the carpet and people aren't wrapped in cotton wool, but the ability of each person is celebrated. Not just athletes but those working for the games. People laugh, discuss, joke, debate, question, advise and freely talk about disability just like it should be! Everyone comes together in such a large Paralympics family where they can talk to each other about issues and cheer everyone on, whether they're going for gold, a commentator or guiding people to their seat.

    Tonight is the closing ceremony of these marvelous games and tomorrow will commence the post Paralympic blues. Having to go back to watching normal television consisting of Cornish tin mines, short royalty, singing civilians and baking. So, after being glued to the television for the past 10 days, cheering on some of the most phenomenal athletes in the world I feel I should say thank you.

    Thank you to every single Paralympian in the games. All of you! Without you there would be no games. Your passion and devotion to your sport and country shines through when you compete. You have given people around the world fantastic sport to watch of the highest caliber and inspired so many people to be like you and they may even take up the sport. You've shown that no matter where in the world you are from or what disability you have, you can achieve whatever you want to achieve. With these games coming to a close, I hope they stay with you, whatever your future endeavors are. If you're retiring, continuing to Tokyo 2020, or moving onto something different entirely, I hope you remember them fondly and with pride.

Thank you.

    As a Brit I must say thank you and congratulations all everyone who competed in ParalympicsGB. Whether you won a medal or not you have made everyone back in the UK so proud. I hope you will be able to see the scale of your achievements when you return home. Whether that be people coming up to you in the street or new people coming to take part in your sport saying they were inspired by you. I trust there will be a Paralympics parade when you get back home just to show you how much we appreciate you all. I hope I bump into some of you and get to say thank you in person. I'm sure envelopes from the Palace will be landing on your doormats very soon!

Thank you.

    Here's in the UK Channel 4** was the channel that broadcast the games. Thank you for your coverage (even if that did mean staying up until 1 in the morning!) All of the presenters have been so informative and were fun and exciting but could also been serious and informative when giving us information. In addition to this I would like to say Thank You to 'The Last Leg'. I've been watching the show since the start. Adam, Alex and Josh give not just disability but life in general such a unique twist which involves laughter and genuineness. You're able to tell it how it is and also not be afraid to be different and take on board what the public say. (Twitter mainly!) After watching the show (not just in the Paralympics season) I feel so inspired. The show is one of the best legacies from the 2012 games. How do I get a job there? But seriously;

Thank you.

    Thank you everyone! Now to enjoy the closing ceremony. Lets hope Rio 2016 goes out in style!

Lucinda x

*@Lucinda_King. You can follow me if you wish, thank you 😘
** Thank you for your wee breaks, unlike the olympics! More commonly known as adverts.


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