14 July 2014

Robert Llewellyn's Carpool

Whilst looking through my YouTube subscriptions, as I tend to do most days, I saw a new post from the Carpool channel.

For those of you who aren't familiar, Carpool is an online series/video podcast created by and staring Robert Llewellyn. (Known for Red Dwarf & Scrapheap Challenge.) The show has also been shown on Dave. Robert talks to interesting, funny and knowledgable people while he gives them a lift in an electric car. Two great people just having a chat in a car. Simple but brilliant!

This new video was a new episode of Carpool, but Robert also explained there is a new series on its way. This time there will be a different electric car in each episode while Robert engages in thought provoking conversation with more fancinating people. 

I love shows like this. You find out what a person is really like and because there is no camera crew, the are relaxed and everything is natural. Below I have put some of my favourite episodes which I can watch over and over again. 

Jason Byrne
Robert picks up comedian, Jason Byrne, from the airport to the BBC. Even though Jason jokes about it, he really is one of those people with great stories to tell.

Phill Jupitus
Robert and Phil take us on a tour of Edinburgh during the Edinburgh festival telling us the made up facts of the town and their festival experiences. 

Jason Manford
Jason is given a lift to BBC. This was back when he worked at The One Show. These two hadn't met before but they chat like they've known each other for years.

Ross Noble
While Ross is given a lift to Westfield Shopping Centre, these two share their stories of Australia their Australian wives. Bono makes an appearance too!

Adrian Edmondson
The first Carpool picnic. Ade and Robert reminisce about old times when filming Bottom and being a Dad to teenagers. Love this episode!

Craig Charles
These two are such a laugh! On the way to the Corronation Street set Craig and Robert discuss the Red Dwarf one off show they did for Dave and the Scrapheap Challenge and Robot Wars days.

Robert has Carpooled with many others such as Stephen Fry, Charlie McDonnell (CharlieIsSoCoolLike), Professor Brian Cox, David Mitchell and many others. To watch them all, check them out on the Carpool Youtube Channel or subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.

I am very much looking forward to the new series and who Robert will be talking to next. 

Lucinda x

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